Several of our students, associates, and alumni have gone off to found their own companies, building on the knowledge and experience they gained during their time at the NanoDTC. A number of these have been strongly supported by the NanoDTC Translational Prize / NanoFutures Leadership Award, seed funds and translational funding from Cambridge Enterprise and have benefitted from the University Enterprise Network more generally.
Some of the startups/spinouts include:

Next-generation oncology drug development - Dr. Matthew Griffiths, c2013

AI for drug discovery - Dr. Ryan Greenhalgh, c2017

Tools for more efficient drug trials - Dr. Tarun Vemulkar, c2012 and Dr. Jeroen Verheyen, NanoDTC Associate 2014

Plastic-free coatings from upcycled agricultural waste - Dr Jordi Ferrer Orri, c2018

Ultra-compact cameras for materials detection and analysis - Dr Oliver Burton, NanoDTC Associate 2017

Nanoscale-optimised automated semiconductor device fabrication - Dr Teja Potocnik, NanoDTC Associate 2021

Echion Technologies
Fast charging batteries - Jean de la Verpilliere, c2013 and Dr. Alex Groombridge, c2013

Charge photometry to measure energy storage in operating batteries - Dr. Alice Merryweather, c2018

Biologics Quantification - Dr. Philipp Braueninger, NanoDTC Associate 2016

Nano-formulations - Dr. Jamie Walters, NanoDTC Associate 2010

Accelerated development of sustainable materials - Dr Joonatan Laulainen, NanoFutures Leadership Award, 2022-23

Radical Dot
Recycling carbon from complex plastic waste - Dr Andreas Wagner, NanoDTC Associate 2016

Nu Quantum
Quantum Technologies for Satellites - Dr. Carmen Palacios Berraquero, c2013

Simprints Technology
Biometrics for the developing world - Alexandra Grigore, c2012

Rapid diagnosis of traumatic brain injury - Dr. Patrick Beldon, c2009

Sustainable pigments and glitter - Dr. Benjamin Droguet, NanoDTC Associate 2021

Ki Hydrogen
Sustainable hydrogen generation from biomass using electrolysis - Dr Michael Stanton, Translational Prize Fellow, 2020-21

Innovation Consulting - Dr. Dishant Mahendru, c2010 and Dr. Dirk Mersch, c2010