Dr Jędrzej Morzy
Postdoctoral researcher in solid state batteries at EMPA
In my PhD I was working on investigating the processes behind Li-ion battery cathode’s degradation. As these processes have their origins at the nanoscale, I was using advanced electron microscopy techniques to study them. Through the use of electron energy loss spectroscopy I looked at how the structure and oxidation states change at the surfaces of LiNiMnCoO2 upon various electrochemical stressing protocols. Moreover, I was developing operando liquid TEM techniques to make them more suitable for industrially relevant battery materials. This way, we was able to study the degradation processes as they take place with high spatial resolution.
PhD Supervisors: Prof. Caterina Ducati – Department of Materials Science and Prof. Michael de Volder – Department of Engineering
Research Keywords: In-Situ Electron Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Electrochemistry, Batteries