Prof. Charles Smith
Professor Charles G. Smith has worked on nano-electrical and nano-mechanical devices since 1985 [1]. He pioneered electrical transport work on GaAs quantum dots [2] and techniques for measuring single electron charge movement in those dots, initially at low frequencies [3] and more recently high frequencies readout techniques for quantum technology applications [4, 5, 6]. He has developed a number of low-temperature scanning probe techniques for measuring nano-devices [7, 8]. Recently he has been working on carbon-based devices [9, 10], superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices and scaling of quantum devices [11]. He is also the founder of two spin-out companies Cavendish-Kinetics Ltd [12] based on his early nano-mechanical research and Cambridge Lab on Chip Ltd. He is PI on two newly awarded EPSRC grant EP/S019324/1 “Multiplexed Quantum Integrated Circuits” investigating scaling up of quantum devices and is lead Cambridge CI on a new program grant lead by Sir Michael Pepper at UCL EP/R029075/1 “Non-Ergodic Quantum Manipulation” aimed at looking for many body localisation in disorder semiconductor nano-structures.